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Justin Bieber in a Crop Top Belongs in a Museum

Justin Bieber is not here for fans who want to take his picture. He is not here for hugs. And most importantly, he is not here for shirts that cover his lower torso. While on the beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this week, Justin rolled up his tank top so it became a makeshift crop top, all the better to show off his new under-pec eagle tattoo. He's not the first man to try a crop top, but he's certainly got a very special take on it.
Everything about this look, from the giant glasses to the athleisure pants, is perfect. It's like Sinéad O'Connor goes to the beach, only it's 1985 and she's a plucky grandpa who's late for water aerobics. It's the hottest boy in your class on spring break with his family, intentionally wearing something crazy because he's so fuckin' mad his dad made him get up at 9 a.m. for mini golf. It's everything. Call the CFDA and tell them to cancel the awards this year, because this look just won it all. And tell your boyfriend not to even think about trying it, because he will fail.
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