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Five Things All Women Should Know About Date Rape Drugs

Rohypnol (the trade name for flunitrazepam) is a tranquilliser, which is also known widely as the ‘date rape’ drug.
Every year in the UK, hundreds of people are thought to be victims of drink spiking where drugs, like rohypnol, are added to someone’s drink without them knowing. The number of incidents such as these is unknown as many go unreported due mainly to memory loss, but also due to embarrassment and shame.
Below are five things you need to know about date rape drugs. In this case, knowledge is power and the more you know about date rape drugs, the easier it will be for you to stay safe.

1. Which ‘date rape’ drugs are most commonly used?

Any substance that is used for spiking someone’s drink are referred to as ‘date rape drugs.’ The most common substance used is alcohol which can be added to a non-alcoholic drink without your knowing, or at times, a double measure can be added instead of a single. Some drugs that are used in spiking other than rohypnol, are gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and gamma-butyrolactone (GBL).  Valium and ketamine are also commonly used to take advantage of someone by lowering their inhibitions.

2. How do I know if my drink has been spiked?

Most date rape drugs take effect within 15-30 minutes and symptoms usually last for several hours. However, if you pass out it will be hard to know the full effect. Although your symptoms will depend on which drug has been used, they usually include some of the following:
  • lowered inhibitions
  • difficulty concentrating or speaking
  • loss of balance and finding it hard to move
  • visual problems, particularly blurred vision
  • memory loss (amnesia) or “blackouts”
  • feeling confused or disoriented, particularly after waking up (if you’ve been asleep)
  • paranoia (a feeling of fear or distrust of others)
  • hallucinations (seeing, hearing or touching things that aren’t there) or having an “out-of-body” experience
  • nausea and vomiting
  • unconsciousness
Keep in mind that some of the drugs used are powerful and you may still feel some of the effects of ‘date rape’ drugs even after a night’s sleep.

3. Know your legal facts.

Drink spiking is illegal. Period. Although drink spiking is often associated with malicious acts including violence, theft and drug-assisted sexual assault, it’s also used for misguided pranks or jokes. Whether or not a theft or assault has been carried out, drink spiking can result in a maximum of 10 years in prison for anyone who is found guilty.
This means they didn’t agree to it, even if they have taken drugs or alcohol voluntarily.

4. How to avoid drink spiking:

If your drink has been spiked it’s unlikely that you will see, smell or taste any difference. Some drugs, such as GHB, may taste slightly salty or smell unusual. If you start to feel strange or more drunk than you should be, get help immediately.
Binge drinking (where you drink lots of alcohol in a short space of time) can increase your risk of being spiked as your inhibitions become lowered at a more rapid pace. Try to avoid drinking too much alcohol, especially in unfamiliar situations. You could lose control, make risky decisions and become less aware of danger. The following steps may also help prevent drink spiking:
  • never leave your drink unattended and keep an eye on your friends’ drinks
  • don’t accept a drink from someone you don’t know
  • consider sticking to bottled drinks and avoiding punch bowls or jugs of cocktails
  • don’t give out your address to someone you’ve just met
  • if you think your drink has been tampered with, don’t drink it – tell a trusted friend or relative immediately
  • before going out, let someone know where you’re going and what time you expect to be home
  • make plans for your journey home
  • avoid taking expensive equipment with you or anything that could be a target for thieves
  • if you are travelling abroad, be aware of the local area and where you can find help

Some bars provide plastic stopper devices, such as lids to put on bottles, which can reduce the risk of your drink being spiked. However, these stoppers won’t stop you consuming a drink that has been spiked with additional alcohol.

5. What should I do if my drink has been spiked?

The first thing to do is to seek help from someone whom you completely trust, such as a close friend, relative, a medical professional or the police.
If you find yourself alone, call 999. Ask to use a phone if yours has been stolen, but be wary of accepting help from a stranger and definitely do not leave with someone you don’t know. If you start feeling unwell, have someone take you to your nearest accident and emergency (A&E) department. Tell the medical staff that you think your drink has been spiked. Arrange for a trusted friend or relative to take you home and stay with you until the drugs have fully left your system.
Report it to the police as soon as you can. They will need to take blood and urine samples. Most drugs leave the body within 72 hours of being taken (the date rape drug GHB leaves the body within 12 hours), so it’s important to be tested as soon as possible.
Finally, if you are abroad, get help from a travel representative, local medical services or ask a bar or hotel manager to call local police. You can also find contact details for the British Embassy, High Commission or Consulate on GOV.UK.
Image Source: Youthnet

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