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Reasons Why some cats like to sit on shoulders

James Bowen and Street Cat Bob

Maybe you've seen one or maybe you have one. Sometimes cats like to go shoulder riding, vaulting atop their owners to check out the view from on high. Some felines do it in the comfort of their home while others take in the sights while out for a walk on city streets.
But shoulder cats aren't all that common, Atlanta-based certified cat behavior consultant Ingrid Johnson, CCBC, tells MNN.
"Typically it's a young agile cat that can maintain the posture for awhile. Generally it stems from attention-seeking behavior," she says. "If people like it and they think it's cute, they're going to praise them, pet them and before they know it, the cat's going to do it on command. But I think those cats are few and far between."
Leaves the shoulder catLeaves loves being a shoulder cat. (Photo: abaffell/imgur)
Some cats might not like to be held, but they don't mind snuggling with their owners at shoulder level. The appeal for the cat is typically height, Johnson says.
"Cats love height and height gives them a sense of security and gives them the ability to survey a lot of space from one vantage point," she says. "When they're being restrained, they tend to want to wiggle away. But being able to perch on the shoulder without being restrained, I can see why that's appealing to a lot of cats."
Crab Bait the shoulder catCrab Bait looks like a super villain. (Photo: caresawholeawfullot/Reddit)
For some cats, jumping to their owner's shoulders is a natural thing, while other cats have to be trained to make the leap.
Johnson says one of her cats would climb on her shoulders as a kitten when she would scoop the litter box. But as she got bigger, it became more difficult for her to perch.
"It got more cumbersome and harder for her to stay up there and balance, so she stopped," she says. "She does all kinds of tricks on command — rides a skateboard, gives high-fives — but doesn't do that anymore."
San Francisco cat on woman's shoulderThis woman is often spotted in San Francisco out and about with her shoulder cat. (Photo: FaFaFlunkie585/Reddit)
As far as taking your cat shoulder riding in the great outdoors? Johnson says she wouldn't recommend it. But if you insist on doing it, make sure your cat is on a leash and harness.
"I would be very cautious," she says. "You have to have an animal that isn’t going to get spooked when the UPS truck goes by or the garbage truck goes by. If they're scared, the cat's going to bolt."
cat lounging on man's shouldersThis cat is more of a lounger than a sitter. (Photo: Connie Ma/flickr)
Remember: If you train your cat to leap to your shoulders from the floor, there's also the chance she'll vault to your shoulders from her kitty condo or the top of the dresser from across the room.
"Some cats will start to launch from wherever they are in the house onto your shoulders and you can't anticipate it," Johnson says. "It can startle you and create a negative experience for the cat. If you're going to train your cat to do it, they can literally launch from anywhere in the house."
So is it a bad idea? Johnson emphatically says no.
"I would never deter it; I think it's precious."
* * *
While you ponder if you and your cat are up the training, here are more shoulder cats for your viewing pleasure:
shoulder cats Louie and MaxLouie and Max like to hang out together. (Photo: Lilnoo/Reddit)
shoulder kittenThis kitten, named Panda Bear, has picked out the perfect spot. (Photo: Russell Bernice/flickr)
George the shoulder catGeorge (the cat) likes the view up high. (Photo: Brix_in_my_head/Reddit)
Bowie the shoulder catBowie and his owner look like they are auditioning to be villains in a movie. (Photo: RobNoxious/Reddit)
Presley the shoulder catPresley doesn't care if someone's not really a cat person. (Photo: ChelseaSchreiber/Reddit)
white, angry shoulder catThis cat looks like he doesn't want to be removed from his perch. (Photo: bachner/imgur)
man with shoulder cat on Paris metroA shoulder cat takes a ride on the metro in Paris. (Photo: Ian McKellar/flickr)
man with shoulder cat in BrooklynShoulder cat spotted in Brooklyn. (Photo: Timothy Krause/flickr)
Eli the shop cat as a shoulder catHanging out with Eli the shop cat. (Photo: Andrew Butitta/flickr)

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