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How to Approach a Woman and Make Her Excited to Meet You online

1175759-xsmallIf you’ve tried out a big online dating website like, then you’ve seen that there really are some hot, quality women on there. However, just like out in the real world, it can be hard to figure out what to say to a woman to get an interaction with her going on the right foot.
Today I’m going to teach you an easy way to strike up a conversation with a woman online in 4 easy steps:

1) Don’t ‘wink’ at her has ‘winks’, Yahoo personals has ‘icebreakers’, Facebook has ‘pokes’ and you shouldn’t mess with any of them! These are all ways to show interest in a person without needing to write an email, or put any effort in whatsoever. These things make you look lazy and scared. Not exactly attractive traits for a man…
Attractive women can get literally hundreds of pokes and winks in the course of a week, almost all of which are completely ignored. So instead of lazy and scared, send an email that is ballsy and unique.

2) Don’t do mass e-mailings.

The first time I thought of doing this it seemed like a pretty good idea… Write one witty email, mail it to a hundred different girls and see how many nibbles you get. The only problem with this theory is that it assumes your profile and your emails are good enough to hook and reel in quality women. If they were that good, then you would be getting a 70-80% response rate like I get.
Also the kind of e-mails that women strongly respond to are HIGHLY PERSONALIZED, not generic emails based on cut and paste templates.

3) Find something interesting in her profile.

Women like it when a guy takes the time to read her profile. This shows them that you are interested in them specifically and aren’t just some desperate dude looking for sex. So scan her profile for something that interests you like maybe she brews her own beer… So you say something about a beer you love, it’s that easy.

4) Don’t act like you like her a lot and think she is so hot.

If you are emailing a woman on a dating site, then it’s OBVIOUS that you like her. Don’t mention it outright, if you do you’ll look a little unstable. That’s wussyish, not very smooth. It’s like saying “I want to kiss you” before you kiss her and looking for her approval… not attractive.
Do you ever notice how in romantic movies the guy never goes “Oh I like you so much, you’re so pretty, we have so much in common etc…” when he first meets the girl? You’ve got to leave it unsaid, let that sexual tension rise up and get her all hot and bothered.
Trust me, she’ll be way more excited about meeting you if you haven’t been kissing her rear in your emails.

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